
A FactMiners' Fact Cloud for the British Library Image Collection

I was thrilled to read the announcement this week in the British Library Digital Scholarship blog about the Library's uploading to the Flickr Commons of over 1 million Public Domain images scanned from 17th, 18th, and 19th century books in the Library's physical collections. The Flickr image collection makes the individual images easily available for public use.

FactMiners: More or Less Folksonomy?

Our goal is to create a crowdsource-powered social gaming community that "comes to play" in museum and archive on-line repositories with the intensity of the multitudes who play Candy Crush or Words With Friends. And by playing FactMiners, this rabid game-playing community will produce two results.

In short, both the meansFactMiner exploratory-learning game-playing – and the endsthe "by-product" generation of the host collection's Fact Cloud – have value in their own right.